Driver Salaries in Orlando, FL

$23,510 avg per year

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Cost of Living Calculator

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New York (Manhattan), NY

The cost of living is 0% higher in New York (Manhattan), NY

Income needed to maintain your current standard of living


Thinking about relocating for a new job? Just curious how your salary stacks up against coworkers living in another city? Our cost of living calculator uses an up-to-date database from The Council for Community and Economic Research (C2ER) to help you get a better understanding of what your salary would need to be to maintain your current standard of living in a different metro area.

* Please note that all salary figures are approximations based upon third party submissions to SimplyHired or its affiliates. These figures are given to SimplyHired users for the purpose of generalized comparison only. Minimum wage may differ by jurisdiction and you should consult the employer for actual salary figures.